Purchasing Managers' Index™ (PMI®) is based on monthly surveys of carefully selected companies representing major and developing economies worldwide.
作者: 标普全球服务业PMI(S&P Global Services PMI)是指标普全球服务业 Purchasing Managers' Index(PMI)的服务业版本。 PMI是指购买经理指数,是衡量经济活动的指标。PMI通过调查购买经理的意见和数据,来衡量经济活动的强度和趋势。PMI的值范围从0到100,其中0表示经济活动停滞,100表示经济活动达到最高水平。 标普全球...
Purchasing Managers' Index™ (PMI®) is based on monthly surveys of carefully selected companies representing major and developing economies worldwide.
Global MANUFACTURING PMI Dec: 49.6 ▼ 2-month low Greece MANUFACTURING PMI Dec: 53.2 ▲ 5-month high Hong Kong PMI Dec: 51.1 ▼ 3-month low India MANUFACTURING PMI Jan: 58.0 Unchanged Indonesia MANUFACTURING PMI Dec: 51.2 ▲ 7-month high Ireland MANUFACTURING PMI Dec: 49.1 ▼ 6-mo...
S&P Global PMI data are closely-watched market-moving economic indicators, covering more than 30 advanced and emerging economies worldwide
S&P Global PMI data are closely-watched market-moving economic indicators, covering more than 30 advanced and emerging economies worldwide
S&P Global PMI data are closely-watched market-moving economic indicators, covering more than 30 advanced and emerging economies worldwide
What does the PMI index mean? What does the Purchasing Managers’ Index measure? What is a services PMI? What is the ISM Purchasing Managers’ Index? What is the Chicago PMI index? What is the global PMI? What are the manufacturing industries covered by the PMI? What are the service sect...
S&P Global PMI data are closely-watched market-moving economic indicators, covering more than 30 advanced and emerging economies worldwide
S&P Global PMI data are closely-watched market-moving economic indicators, covering more than 30 advanced and emerging economies worldwide