covered by healthinsurance,subsidizing the costofpurchasingayear's worth of healthinsurance. 舉例說,政府可以推 行㆒項試驗計劃,向現時沒有受任何醫療保險保障的大約 30 萬㆟發出㆒些票券,資助 他們購買㆒年健康保險。
PA Personal Accident (insurance) PA Performance Appraisal PA Project Architect PA Public Appearance PA Process Automation PA Personnel Action PA Preliminary Assessment PA Point d'Appui (French: Support Point) PA Parental Advisory PA Passive Aggressive (behavioral health) PA Personnel Administration (vario...
A motion was made by Jean Kohut, seconded by Jim Neal, to approve the Business Manager to participate in the following state bid programs: PEPPM, L3P3, PA State Contract, U.S. Communities, COSTARS, Pittsburgh Regional Food Service Directors Bid, KPN Bids, BLaST IU Bids, AEPA Bid, Nationa...
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health insurance purchasing group, health plan purchasing cooperative or health insurance purchasing corporation [...] 同時亦稱為醫療保險購買團體、醫療 計劃購買合作計劃、或健保購買合作 計劃(參看管理性競爭的定義)。 However, note that by purchasing e.g....
Pennsylvania Municipal Health Insurance Cooperative (PMHIC) is aproven method to control health care costs. These health insurance solutions for municipalities in PA provide savings, transparency and greater control over health benefit expenses. PMHIC is a program developed and administered byThe Benecon...
The Purchasing Agency has conducted a risk assessment and determined that certain default coverage provisions in the North Carolina General Terms and Conditions, paragraph entitled Insurance, should be increased from the minimums stated. The Purchasing Agency shall have the right to audit the records ...
Chapter 19 of the book "The 2010 Healthcare Business Market Research Handbook" is presented. It presents information on group purchasing organizations (GPOs). GPOs are used by hospitals in the U.S. when buying supplies. An April 2009 study of Professor Eugene S. Schneller revealed that GPOs ...
Among the existing 30 health financing schemes, 5 present the elements of SHP: (1) national health insurance (NHI), (2) performance-based financing (PBF), (3) voucher system, (4) private health insurance, and (5) mutual health organizations. The findings suggest that the governance function...
Each PA: (i) is a separate agreement between the parties that execute it; (ii) applies to the territory stated in the PA, if applicable; and (iii) incorporates the terms of this DPA, except to the extent that changes are required under applicable local law or agreed by the parties to...