T160 - SAP Transaction Control, Purchasing T160B - SAP Transaction Control, List Displays, Purchasin T160C - SAP Transaction Control for List Displays in CALL T160D - Function Authorizations: Purchase Order T160E - Function Authorizations: Purchasing: Descriptions T160I - Control of Intrastat Reports...
purchasingDocumentId:string Implementation ofPurchasingDocumentType.purchasingDocumentId Defined in packages/vdm/trial-balance-service/PurchasingDocument.ts:25 Purchasing Document. Maximum length: 10. Static_defaultServicePath _defaultServicePath:string= '/sap/opu/odata/sap/C_TRIALBALANCE_CDS...
When you create purchasing documents you need to have purchasing group in it as purchasing group is the POC to deal with vendor as buyer. Most materials procured externally to have purchasing group in it which defaulted during purchasing document creation such as example - PR, also you can manu...
_defaultServicePath:string= "/sap/opu/odata/sap/C_TRIALBALANCE_CDS" Overrides Entity._defaultServicePath Defined in vdm/trial-balance-service/PurchasingDocument.ts:27 Default url path for the according service. Static_entityName _entityName:string= "PurchasingDocument" ...
Here is a list of important 1488 transaction codes used with SAP MM-PUR component (SAP Purchasing in MM) coming under SAP MM Module. You will get more
{管理信息化SAP实施}ENSAPMMPurchasing MM-Purchasing TOC \o 1-3 \h \z 1.Purchase Requisiton3 1.1Overview3 1.2Transactions / Menu path3 1.3Create Purchase Requisition5 1.3.1.Account Assignment6 1.3.2.Valuation7 1.3.3.Tab Status8 Reason for Item Block9 1.3.4.Tab Contact Person9 1.3.5.Tab...
Purchasing document belongs to another supplier-Message F5-371 Go to solution Former Member on 2013 Oct 07 0 Kudos 612 SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, MM (Materials Management) Dear Experts, This message is only a warning in my system. I need to make this to an error message...
开通VIP 管理信息化 SAP 实施 ENSAPMMPurchasing MM-Purchasing Requisiton3 / Menu path3 Purchase Requisition5 Assignment6 Status8 Reason for Item Block9 Contact Person9 Release Strategy10 Texte10 Reiter Anlieferadresse10 List Display Purchase Requisitions11 and process purchase requisition13 ME5713 list...
MM SAP R/3 Organizational structure Organization Structure in SAP CLIENT highest level in SAP COMPANY a legal entity PLANT a company can have more than 1 plant Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) is run by plant, so that all stocks in the plant is included in the MRP run Storage Location ...
SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) Hi All , I was reading one document (MM-IM) .. there it is mentioned that "The purchasing department can also order materials or services for which no material master record is defined. These are usually materials or services that are only pur...