Only a single domain can be associated with an SSL certificate. For example, Multiple domains Multiple domain names can be associated with an SSL certificate. You can associate a multi-domain certificate with up to 250 domain names. A wildcard domain name is allowed only by OV ...
While a DV Cert can be issued in mere minutes, it can take a few days for an OV or EV Cert. Of course, The SSL Store™ can help you to expedite the process, but you should still know what to expect in terms of issuance time....
This makes me think. Are the problems people are having due to a SSL cert not being valid? A good way to test this is to vist the WSS site in IE and if you goNOerrors or warnings about the cert then you should be right. Let me know if this works for you. Comments An...
How many maintenance, repair, or operating supply requests for a purchase does your purchasing department receive in an average week? PeopleTicker selected by American Purchasing Society to provde membership with best practice tools for procuring contingent labor. Preferred Training Partner of the ...
This makes me think. Are the problems people are having due to a SSL cert not being valid? A good way to test this is to vist the WSS site in IE and if you go NO errors or warnings about the cert then you should be right.Let me know if this works for you....