but you'll have to prepare the cab before using it. How much work you have to do on the cab will depend on whether you're buying from a commercial or private seller (i.e., a dealership or a person who just advertised an old truck for sale) and how much work the seller has alrea...
Buyer willnotbeliable for the cost of manufacturing or procuring any tools which Seller deems necessary in its manufacturing process, unless Seller receives a writtenpurchase orderfromBuyer authorizing the manufacture or purchase of such tools.
manufacturing process, unless Seller receives a writtenpurchase orderfromBuyer authorizing the manufacture or purchase of such tools. veeco.co.jp veeco.co.jp 买方不会对卖方在其制造过程中认为有必要制造或获取的任何工具负责任,除非卖方从买方那里接收到用于授权制 造或采购此类工具的书面订购单。