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Google Doc Download Free Purchase Order Format in Excel, Word, and PDF The purpose of a purchase order is to make the entire transaction between a buyer and a seller hassle-free. A purchase order is a document that establishes the intent to purchase something from the buyer to the seller...
A purchase order template is a document sent from buyers to suppliers and they include a request for an order. A PO template contains basic information like the type of item, the price they agreed on, and the PO number. The more specific your order is, the more details you include, the...
WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2025: 主要翻译 英语 中文 purchase order n (document requesting to buy [sth]) SC 订购单 dìng gòu dān TC 訂購單 We have received your purchase order and will dispatch the goods immediately. 有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议...
Chapter 5, "Multicurrency transactions," describes the effects of using Multicurrency Management with Purchase Order Processing. Chapter 6, "Purchase order entry," describes how to enter and print purchase order information. Chapter 7, "Purchase order entry for projects," describes how to enter ...
The word Suspense displays next to the Location field and indicates the line item will be placed into suspense when the purchase order is accepted. If the word Suspense is not displayed, the quantity received for the line will be placed into inventory. A Location is not required if you are...
The word Suspense displays next to the Location field and indicates the line item will be placed into suspense when the purchase order is accepted. If the word Suspense is not displayed, the quantity received for the line will be placed into inventory. A Location is not required if you are...