The largeness and longevity of such a creature puts things into lovely perspective. What am I going to make for dinner tonight seems like a laughable question in the face of such a creature yet this question torments me on a near daily basis. Complaints about bad drivers and coworkers, per...
A Poet and Short Story Writer, Curator of AT The Edge, Cavan, Workshop Facilitator and Mentor. To purchase my debut novel see the menu bar below. Note kindle version available worldwide via the UK link. Physical copies to IRE via (Amazon KDP Br
Granted, they got a large shipment that morning and I lucked out because they opened late that day. But the stock remained for 3 or 4 days before they were all gone (they had 25+). Even now, my local MC still has various 30 series cards in stock and for the last 2 ...
I invited the selling agents, Nancy and Bob over after the sale to get the skinny on the market and provide an assessment of my home. After about four days of deliberation, they sent me a detailed valuation analysis report and said “they were 85% certain they'd be able to get at lea...