Auto Insurance Safeguard your vehicle against accidents, theft, and other incidents that are beyond your control. Learn More Motorcycle Insurance Protecting you and your bike from accidents, injury, theft, and other incidents that are beyond your control. ...
EU Residentpolicies are sold byCover Genius Europe B.Vwhich is authorised and regulated by the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets [Autoriteit Financiële Markten] as an insurance intermediary, licence number 12046177. KvK number 73237426. Policies are underwritten by Collinson Insurance Europe...
Major shipping companies in Europe and Japan have increased the value add in shipping by not only conducting freight transportation, but also performing maritime knowledge services, such as finance, ship valuation, S&P of ships, chartering, maritime arbitration, insurance, and consulting. In the ...
NEV purchase/usage policy involves a wide range of sectors such as vehicle and vessel tax exemption, insurance charge exemption, purchase subsidies, driving restriction rescission, and road tolls exemption, as well as parking fee exemption, with an aim to encourage NEVs’ purchase/usage. Conversely...
There is generally only a single purchase channel for BEVs, and there are less car insurance options. Hence, residents perceive BEVs as having greater risk. Barth et al. [24] showed that the low penetration rate of charging points seriously hinders purchase willingness, mainly because installat...