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YeY. et al. Deep-ultraviolet Smith–Purcell radiation Optica (2019) SmithS.J. et al. Visible light from localized surface charges moving across a grating Phys. Rev. (1953) van den BergP.M. Smith-Purcell radiation from a point charge moving parallel to a reflection grating J. Opt. Soc...
Hall understudied Davies at Glyndebourne; he has mastered roles in some ten to a dozen Handel operas, so he is (as countertenors must be) something of a Baroque specialist, as well as prominent in contemporary opera - Nico Muhly, Brett Dean et al. This past season he was back at ...
这就叫Purcell effect。这样一来,如果我只研究这个模式和这个原子的相互作用,因为它们之间交换的速度远大于原子朝其他方向自发辐射的速度,所以在短的时间尺度内可以忽略原子自发辐射,从而得到coherent的相互作用。例子吗大家都举过了,cqed,vacuum rabi splitting。
[1] Sauvan, Christophe, et al. "Theory of the spontaneous optical emission of nanosize photonic and plasmon resonators."Physical Review Letters 110.23 (2013): 237401.[2] Purcell, Edward Mills. "Spontaneous emission probabilities at radio frequencies."Confined Electrons and Photons . Springer, ...
[1] Sauvan, Christophe, et al. "Theory of the spontaneous optical emission of nanosize photonic ...
Popkova, A.A.; Antropov, I.M.; Tselikov, G.I.; Ermolaev, G.A.; Ozerov, I.; Kirtaev, R.V.; Novikov, S.M.; Evlyukhin, A.B.; Arsenin, A.V.; Bessonov, V.O.; et al. Nonlinear exciton-Mie coupling in transition metal dichalcogenide nanoresonators. Laser Photonics Rev. 2022,...