Experimented factor are two corn hybrid variety ABCD and EFGH (main plot) with three doses of NPK fertilizer 200, 300 and 400 kg ha-1 (sub plot). The result of research show that there are responds in two variety towards NPK fertilizer dosage almost same (unreal interraction). ABCD and...
The first factor was the aplication of NPK fertilizer with 3 levels, namely P0 = without fertilizer, P1 = 400 kg fertilizer NPK ha-1 and P2 = 800 kg NPK fertilizer ha-1. The second factor is the type of variety with 2 levels, V1 = Granola L and V2 = Granolla Arjuno. Of these ...
Pengaruh Pupuk Majemuk NPK Terhadap Pertumbuhan, Produksi dan Serapan Hara Jagung (Zea mays. L) Pada Latosol Darmaga. Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan pengaruh pemberian pupuk majemuk dan pupuk konvensional terhadap pertumbuhan, produksi, dan serapan hara tanaman jagung pada Latosol Darmaga....
The design used was completely randomized (CRD) consisting of : Urea 200 kg/ha; Bokasi tusuk konde (BTK) 20 tons/ha; BTK 15 tons/ha + urea 200 kg/ha; BTK 10 tons/ha + urea 200 kg/ha; BTK 5 tons/ha + urea 200 kg/ha; Bokasi Kirinyu (BK) 20 tons/ha; BK 15 tons/ha +...
Fertilizer dosages applied were 0 kg/hectare; 250 kg/hectare; 500 kg/hectare and 750 kg/hectare. Parameters observed were crop height at age 15, 30 and 45 days after planting, weight of fresh onion per plot, weight of dry onion per plot, number of onion plant per planting stool and ...