I had to go hunt down my old shareware disks so I could find the handful I played as a kid and would love to see again. I have a lot of great memories with Commander Keen, Jazz Jackrabbit, The Hugo Trilogy, Duke Nukem 1+2, Rise of the Triad (with thecoolest box art of ALL TIM...
“Stream puppy has really helped changed how I can stream. It allows you to do way more then the more expensive traditional streaming decks and the best part for me is that it is on your phone so you are not limited by cords! I would recommend this tool for every streamer!” ...
live, ANYtime of the day or night. We are proud of our work here at MBD and we would love for you to be an active part of the journey to bringing your new fur baby home. Visit our adoption application and/or contact page to learn about upcoming...
Pat Miller author of Positive Perspectives: Love Your Dog Train Your Dog Carolyn Krause has instructed classes in obedience and tracking for many years as well as presenting tracking seminars throughout the Midwest. She has put several tracking titles on her own dogs and is an emeritus AKC Tra...
I got my Pierce when he was just under eight weeks. Today he is just past four months and I already love him to pieces. In another eight to ten months, I have no doubt that the tears will be streaming down my face as he goes back for the evaluation which will decide what career ...
Georgetown University'sRiggs Librarylooks like a scene out of a book lover's most elaborate fantasy: multiple levels of floor-to-ceiling bookshelves connected by cast-iron catwalks and spiral staircases, with daylight streaming into the central atrium. A rare example of cast-iron construction in...
it is less likely for dogs to have gotten a ton of socialization like they would have in non-pandemic times. "This means they might have stayed in their own houses or yards, not getting out in the community to meet new people or experience new places," wroteDr. Mary Burch, an animal...
It was such a cute ___ that she fell in love with it at first sight and the two were inseparable. ___ , her father developed a serious illness, and the doctor didn’t recommend ___ hairy pets at home. With no other ___ , the family had to send Chloe to an animal shelter, _...