The movie tells the story of three groups of single men and women who raise dogs. They met, became acquainted or reconciled because of their dogs: when the cynical dog king Chen met Qian Fei Fei, who thought money was the most secure, when eager Love Cheng Feng meets the love pessimist...
Puppy Love: Directed by Nick Fabiano, Richard Alan Reid. With Lucy Hale, Grant Gustin, Nore Davis, Christine Lee. After a disastrous first date, Nicole and Max vow to lose each other's numbers until their dogs find a love match. Hilariously mismatched Ni
Puppylove: Directed by Delphine Lehericey. With Solène Rigot, Audrey Bastien, Vincent Perez, Vadim Goldberg. A lonely teen's friendship with a free-spirited British neighbor pushes her to break free of the bonds of childhood.
It helps strengthen the show's unique blend of comedy, action, and adventure. I especially love the theme song! It's fast paced, catchy, and has a vibrant beat! I don't know how else to describe the music.The animation and art style are good too! They look similar to other ...
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