Dogs make puppy dog eyes for the benefit of humans and rarely use the pleasing facial expression when on their own, a new study has shown. It has long been assumed that animal facial expressions are involuntary and dependent on emotional state rather than a way to communicate. ...
【题目】Puppy Dog Eyes Are for the Benefits of HumansDogs make puppy dog eyes for the benefitof humans and rarely use the pleasing facialexpression when on their own, a new study has shown.It has long been assumed that animal facial expressions are involuntary and dependenton emotional state ...
Haelle, Tara
An alternative reason for the human-dog bond could be that humans have a preference for other individuals which have whites in the eye and that intense AU 101 movements exposes the white part of the dogs eyes. 另一个解释人类和狗狗联系的原因是人类对另一些眼部带有白色眼球的人类有偏好,而AU101...
第一段“A new study found evidence that dogs developed in physical ways to present “puppy dog eyes” as a way to help connect with humans.(一项新的研究发现,有证据表明,为了帮助与人类建立联系,狗会以身体上的方式表现出“小狗般的眼睛”。)”点名文章主旨,说明狗在驯化的过程中为了和人类建立联系,...
C【解析】 “When dogs make the movement, it seems to elicita strong desire in humans to look after them. "与下文中的“Thiswould give dogs that move their eyebrows more, a selectionadvantage over others and reinforce the ‘ puppy dog eyes' traitfor future generations.”有明显的因果关系。故...
1 Puppy dog eyes may have evolved just to make humans melt-and it's working You know how when your dog wants something, she makes that face? You know the one-all beseeching, with eyes that seem to positively quiver with longing? It turns out that our response to canine looks of longi...
Centuries of domestication have unintentionally yet radically reshaped dogs' eyebrow anatomy, making their faces easily readable to people.
小时候学英语,阅读里看到puppy dog eyes,老师说就是那种像小狗一样湿漉漉又无辜的眼神,撒着娇的感觉。一晃很多年过去,当我最近上课遇到了个弟弟时突然又想起了这个词。上课的老师说弟弟很像盛夏暴晒后快要融化的冰激凌。这个描述真的极其的贴切传神。弟弟是那种看上去很阳光帅气的长相,但刚认识的时候有一点认生,有...
卖萌装可怜的样子 懂了吗?