We specialize in goldendoodle puppies raised with tender loving care in our home in San Diego County CA
Puppies for sale in San Diego CAAKC registered 5 month old male teacup pomeranian. He is solid black and a purebred. He wont be more than 10 lbs full grown. Pee pad trained, has his first set of shots, and the second and third series are already paid for through vetco, plus his rab...
Apartment living: All our AKC German Shepherd Puppies For Sale in San Diego, California are bred for longevity, strong hips and elbows, and great minds with working drive but able to rest when the work is done. That said, while it can be done, I strongly urge anyone who lives in an a...
"Top Meadow Cavaliers is a small breeder and show kennel in Southern California dedicated to raising healthy, affectionate, and playful Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in accordance with all the standards of the breed including temperament, appearance, and movement. We show competitively in the AKC a...
PUPPIES NOW AVAILABLE, California breeder in San Diego. Blue eyed AKC super/mega coat colors : Red, Wheaton, Liver, Parti, White, Black, Toy size 8 to 10 lbs. Born and raised in our home, both parents on site. My goal is to breed top quality super / mega coat AKC Toy/Miniature Sc...
One male in Murrieta and 2 girls in San Diego. Norica’s litter is sold out. SOLD IMG_89061 leo3 leo IMG_32151 IMG_32111 IMG_32091 December 3rd, 2019 Shilo and Sadies Puppies Have Arrived!!! 11 Beautiful White to Champagne Golden Retriever Puppies! 20191221_173409 20191221_173410 20191221...
San Diego, CA San Francisco, CA San Jose, CA Seattle, WA Washington, DC Most Popular Field Spaniel States Arizona California Colorado Florida Georgia Illinois Massachusetts Michigan New Jersey New York North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania Texas Virginia WashingtonYou Are In Great Paws! #SayNoToMills We...
He knows how to sit, shake, come, goes potty outside and sleeps through the night in his crate. He's an exceptional puppy and we're so happy to have him!" --Meredith San Diego, California puppy Labs to Love puppy, Buttermilk Biscuit, CGC is a Registered Animal Assisted Therapy Dog ...
Indianapolis, IN Jacksonville, FL Las Vegas, NV Los Angeles, CA Nashville, TN New York City, NY Oklahoma City, OK Philadelphia, PA Phoenix, AZ San Antonio, TX San Diego, CA San Francisco, CA San Jose, CA Seattle, WA Washington, DC Most Popular Toy Poodle States Arizona California Colorad...
Canine parvovirus type II (CPV-2) infection induces canine parvoviral enteritis (CPE), which in turn promotes sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). Mortality in this disease is usually registered within 48–72 h post-hospitaliza