To usepuppeteer-coreto launch Microsoft Edge: puppeteer-corerequires Node v8.9.0 or later. Make sure you have a compatible version of Node.js. To do this, runnode -vfrom the command line. Also, the example below usesasync/await, which is only supported in Node v7.6.0 or later. ...
process.env['npm_package_config_puppeteer_download_host'];if(downloadHost&&configuration.logLevel==='warn'){console.warn(`PUPPETEER_DOWNLOAD_HOST is deprecated. Use PUPPETEER_DOWNLOAD_BASE_URL instead.`);}configuration.downloadBaseUrl=process.env['PUPPETEER_DOWNLOAD_BASE_URL']??process.env['npm_co...
Cross-Browser Testing:Supports major browsers likeChrome,Firefox,Safari, andEdge. Multi-Language Support:Write tests in Java, Python, C#, and JavaScript. Community-Driven:Selenium has a large, active community that constantly contributes to its development. ...
They left no stone unturned to compete with their product innovation in the market and recently with comparisons being drawn between Edge vs Chrome. Given this, both have their next-generation browser automation initiatives; Google’s Puppeteer & Microsoft Playwright. To be more precise, Playwright...
puppeteer.launch({headless:false,executablePath:'/Applications/Microsoft Edge'}).then( asyncbrowser => { console.log('start...') constpage =awaitbrowser.newPage() awaituseProxy(page,'http://账号:密码@119.5....
安装好以后,写个例子玩一下: const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); (async() => { // 配置浏览器 const browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless: true}); // 打开一个新页面 const page = await browser.newPage(); // 进入页面
console.log('获取到的代理 IP 为:',proxy)awaituseProxy(page,proxy)}puppeteer.launch({headless:false,executablePath:'/Applications/Microsoft Edge'}).then(asyncbrowser=>{console.log('start...')const[page]=awaitbrowser.pages()awaitset_proxy(page)console.log('change...
9 • Mirror's Edge • Mischief Makers • NiGHTS • Oddworld • OwlBoy • Pandemonium! • Pumpkin Jack • Puppeteer • Ristar • Rocket Knight • Rogue Legacy • Shantae • Shinobi • Shovel Knight • Sonic the Hedgehog • Spark the Electric Jester • Spyro the ...
puppeteer.launch({headless: false, executablePath: '/Applications/Microsoft Edge'}).then( async browser => { console.log('start...') const page = await browser.newPage() await useProxy(page, 'http://账号:密码@') ...
puppeteer.launch({headless:false, executablePath: '/Applications/Microsoft Edge'}).then( async browser=>{ console.log('start...') const page=await browser.newPage() await useProxy(page,'http://账号:密码@') ...