Examples: The scripts can be in any language, they just need to have anexit code 0in case of success, and a different exit code in case of failure. The tp test command and the tp::test task will exit with 0 if all the test have been successfull, and exit with 1 if any of the...
the wsgi_script_aliases need to support array type of value #1609 (netman2k) Fix alignement in vhost.conf #1607 (sathieu) [apache::mod::cgi] Fix: ordering constraint for mod_cgi #1585 (punycode) Fix vhost template #1552 (iamspido) 1.11.0 - 2016-12-19 Full Changelog Added (MODULES...
To add a custom test for an application you can either specify the template to use for the test script of that application, in tp::install:tp::install { 'rabbitmq': test_enable => true, cli_enable => true, test_template => 'profile/rabbimq/tptest.erb', } ...
To add a custom test for an application you can either specify the template to use for the test script of that application, in tp::install:tp::install { 'rabbitmq': test_enable => true, cli_enable => true, test_template => 'profile/rabbimq/tptest.erb', } ...
Plan and storyboard your video. Optionally, create a script. Record and export/compress your video. Upload your video to a sharing site. TOOLS Virtual Puppet Apps for iPad Toontastic(free – web-based or app versions available) Puppet Pals Director’s Pass HD($3, recommended) orPuppet Pals...
exec { ‘install script’: command => ‘/usr/bin/curl’ } Hands-On example for the basic Puppet manifest file The real-time example for the basic Puppet manifest file is Modifying the etc/motd file in the entire infrastructure server and employing the Puppet automation to add the desired ...
The following examples show how to use them. Email configuration To change the Email settings the module provides the nexus3_smtp_settings resource. #!puppet nexus3_smtp_settings { 'global': enabled => true, host => 'mail.example.com', port => 25, username => 'jdoe', password => '...
--version VERSION - The version of the subcommand for which to show help. RETURNS Short help text for the specified subcommand or action. EXAMPLES help Get help for an action: $ puppet help COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2011 by Puppet Inc. Apache 2 license; see COPYING ATTRIBUTES See ...
collectd::plugin::python::module {'my-module': modulepath => '/var/share/collectd', script_source => 'puppet:///modules/myorg/my-module.py', config => [ {'Key' => "value", 'Value' => 3.4, } ] } Class: collectd::plugin::redis...