屠夫的眼睛和肤色未知,然而,在旧版本的游戏中,他的肤色是白色的,他有棕色/黑色的眼睛。 电钻杀手 1978年的电钻男 1987年的电钻男 “住在这里的人,似乎都有孩子的心思。” -梅根描述凶手的巢穴。 Driller Killer是Minotaur、Power Drill Massacre和Power Drill Massacre Arcade 中的杀手。他也出现在守夜人中。 人们...
PUPPET COMBO is the home of sleaze, gore, madmen, slashers and maniacs. Puppet Combo killers will turn your dreams to nightmares long after the vhs tape finishes playing. So grab a beer, dim the lights, take a seat and enter the dark universe of Puppet Combo... if you DARE!
The original build ofPower Drill Massacrewas my introduction to Puppet Combo’sbody of workway back in… wait, I think it was only 2021. Time really has lost all meaning. In any case, even thoughPower Drill Massacrewas unfinished at the time, it was a pretty good first impression. ...