(redirected frompupillary constriction) Medical pu·pil1 (pyo͞o′pəl) n. 1.Astudentunderthedirectsupervisionof ateacherorprofessor. 2.LawAminorunderthesupervisionof aguardian. [MiddleEnglishpupille,orphan,fromOldFrench,fromLatinpūpillus,diminutiveofpūpus,boy.] ...
Constriction and dilation velocity and latencies, minimum and maximum aperture were obtained along with Epworth Sleepiness Score (ESS), 10 point Visual Analog Scale (VAS), BMI, gender, age and AHI. Three sets of measures were obtained and analyzed with ANOVA, t-test, Linear Regression and ...
As an additional analysis of the fNIRS data, a repeated measures ANOVA with hemisphere (left, right), race (own, other), and pupil (constriction, dilation) as within-subject factors was conducted in an additional brain region, the temporal parietal cortex (TPC). This brain region was ...
For small or moderate increases in steady-state illumination, the initial (transient) pupil constriction is followed by partial redilation to an intermediate pupil size. This phenomenon, presumably due to transient visual responses, is termed pupillary escape. Influence of Stimulus Location and Size ...
This functions draw circles to the limbic andpupillaryboundary. 此函数提请各界的边缘和瞳孔边界. 互联网 C . Observepupillaryresponse of both eyes. 观察两眼瞳孔反应. 互联网 The attack may have been precipitated bypupillarydilation, possibly during an ophthalmic examination. ...
and immature girls (Atwood & Howell,1971). This experiment revealed greater pupil dilation in 90 % of non-paedophilic observers to pictures of women, but a pupil constriction to the same pictures in 80 % of pedophiles. Conversely, images of girls produced dilation in 90 % of pedophiles ...
Pupillarydilation is normal. 瞳孔扩张 正常 OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Herpupillaryreaction. 她的 瞳孔反應 。 OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Signs and symptoms of acute parathion poisoning are typical of organophosphorus pesticides acting through ChE inhibition and includepupillaryconstriction, muscle cramp, excessive saliva...
Fluctuations in pupil size are controlled by the autonomic nervous system and are a result of dynamic shifts between sympathetic (results in dilation) and parasympathetic (results in constriction) activation (McDougal & Gamlin,2008; Zuckerman,1971). A state of arousal leads to activation of the aut...
Contraction of the sphincter, accompanied by relaxation of the dilator, produces pupil constriction (miosis); while contraction of the dilator, accompanied by relaxation of the sphincter, produces pupil dilation (mydriasis). These muscles are innervated by the autonomic nervous system and controlled by...
Rather, the pupil diameter increased slightly and this pupil dilation developed gradually without clear latency locked to the stimulus onset (see Fig. 2a,“small disk” at “BS”). This effect could be attributed to autonomic responses mediated by arousal signals conveyed by sympathetic nerves, ...