Adie’s tonic pupil, also known as Adie’s syndrome, is a nervous system condition that may causeunequal pupil sizes(anisocoria) and a slow reaction to light in the affected eye or, less commonly, eyes. Adie’s syndrome is most common in women 20 to 40 years old. If you have onepupil...
A normal pupillary reaction to light in a comatose patient usually suggests a metabolic rather than structural cause of coma. Most metabolic encephalopathies that result in impaired consciousness are associated with small, reactive pupils that are difficult to distinguish from pupillary responses caused...
Adie's pupilA pupil in which the reactions to light, direct or consensual, are almost abolished, with a reaction occurring only after prolonged exposure to light or dark. The reaction of the pupil to a near target is also delayed and slow. The condition is usually unilateral, with the affec...
Definition (MSH) A pupillary abnormality characterized by a poor pupillary light reaction, reduced accommodation, iris sector palsies, an enhanced pupillary response to near effort that results in a prolonged, "tonic" constriction, and slow pupillary redilation. This condition is associated with inj...
(accommodate) but does not react to light, which is classically described in tertiary syphilis. Near-light dissociation is also seen with Adie tonic pupil syndrome, a benign peripheral neuropathy which, in contrast to the brisk and immediate response of AR pupils, is characterised by a slow and...
in rapid succession. When the abnormal pupil is stimulated it dilates instead of constricting. Thisparadoxical reactionof the pupil to light occurs because the dilatation of the pupil, by withdrawing the light from the normal eye, outweights the constriction produced by stimulating the abnormal eye...
The Christians were in statupupillariand required many matters to be done for them. 這些基督徒面臨重重困難,並且有很多問題急待解決。 LASER-wikipedia2 Pupillarydilation is normal. 瞳孔扩张 正常 OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Herpupillaryreaction. 她的 瞳孔反應 。
In this study, the interval between picture and tone presentation was short (600 ms) and may have led to an overlap of the pupillary responses. Wierda et al. showed that it is possible to track attention and cognitive processes from slow pupillary responses (about 1 Hz) to high temporal ...
Efferent pupillary defects are caused by problems of sympathetic or parasympathetic innervation or structural iris changes presenting as anisocoria or impaired pupillary light reaction. This overview describes the diagnostic steps for evaluating efferent pupillary disorders and outlines further steps of work...
allowing more light to enter the eye. Pupillary responses are achieved by changing the contraction of the iris (seeFigure 6.1). When bright light is directed to just one eye, pupil constriction occurs in the other eye as well. Theabsenceof this consensual reaction in the other eye can be ...