Evaluation of pupil constriction and dilation from cycling measurements, Vision Res - MILTON, LONGTIN - 1990J. G. Milton and A. Longtin. Evaluation of pupil constriction and dilation from cycling measurements. Vision Res., 30, No.4:515-525, 1990....
Related to Pupil constriction:Pupil dilation ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. pupillary reflex- reflex contraction of the sphincter muscle of the iris in response to a bright light (or certain drugs) causing the pupil to become smaller ...
32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44. Individual differences in pupil dilation in response to emotional stimuli show excellent test–retest reliability36,45. Pupillometry allows quantifying the pupil dilation response precisely, and pupil dilation and constriction have been...
'Pupillary dilation'(瞳孔扩大)和'pupillary constriction'(瞳孔缩小)是医学检查中常用的术语,分别指瞳孔的开大和缩小反应,这些反应对于评估自主神经系统功能、药物效果及疾病状态具有重要意义。此外,'pupillary light reflex'(瞳孔对光反射)是评估视觉通路完整性的重要指标之一,它反映了光线刺激下...
Google Share on Facebook (redirected frompupillary constriction) Medical pu·pil1 (pyo͞o′pəl) n. 1.Astudentunderthedirectsupervisionof ateacherorprofessor. 2.LawAminorunderthesupervisionof aguardian. [MiddleEnglishpupille,orphan,fromOldFrench,fromLatinpūpillus,diminutiveofpūpus,boy.] ...
Pupil Constriction and Dilation When the eye is exposed to bright light, the pupil constricts reflexively, limiting the amount of light that reaches the retina. By contrast, when less light comes to the eye, the pupil dilates reflexively, allowing more light to enter the eye. Pupillary respon...
The time interval between two series was 3000 ms (instead of 1350–1650ms in evoked potentials) in order to adapt to the slower dynamics of pupil dilation/constriction. Each block included 30 trials, and so lasted 90 seconds. Figure 1 Auditory paradigm and pupillometry setup (a) On ...
In this work, errors in bit strings are systematically analysed in order to investigate the effect of light-induced and drug-induced pupil dilation and constriction on the consistency of iris texture information. The statistics of bit errors are computed for client and impostor distributions as ...
Pupil dilation and constriction was based on changes of pupil area when viewing sexual stimuli as compared to neutral stimuli. Given that results are presented with respect to dilation, we refer to this measure as pupil dilation. Viewing time was measured as percentage of ti...
Pupil Constriction(Miosis) Pupil Dilation(Mydriasis) Pupil distortion Posterior synechiae Inflammatory adhesion between lens and iris Tear drop-shaped pupil SuggestsGlobe Rupturewith iris prolapse Pupil fixed, mid-dilated, slightly irregular AcuteGlaucoma ...