The ability of polymers to restrain the process of relaxation of a range of Punto-di-Roma fabrics is assessed by comparing u parameters of untreated and polymer-treated fabrics. It is shown that, for two states of relaxation before the application of polymers, fibre-bonding polymers do not app...
K. C., "The geometry, dimensional properties, and stabilization of the cotton punto-di- roma structure," Journal Textile Institute, Vol. 67, No. 3, pp. 94- 100.Knapton, J. J. F., Truter, E. V. and Aziz, A. K. M. A. "The Geometry, Dimensional Properties and Stabilization of ...
The values of the bending and shear parameters for Punto-di-Roma fabrics are shown to be critically dependent on the fabric run-in ratio. The experimental results were analysed statistically in order to study the effects on fabric-bending and fabric-shear properties of each of the following ...