Later in the play, in act III, scene I, Romeo’s wordy friend Mercutio has inflicted fatal wounds. He tells Romeo: “Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man. I am peppered, I warrant, for this world.” In his final moments, Mercutio unleashes a final pun using the...
5.There are many puns in Romeo and Juliet. 罗米欧与朱丽叶》中的双关语很多,本文对剧中的双关语的构成方式及翻译方式作出分类与分析. 6.It is also about history, gravity, mass, weight, music, Lego and puns. 但它也涉及历史、重力、质量、重量、音乐、乐高和双关语。
Example 1: The following lines are spoken by Mercutio in William Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet.” This occurs in Act III, Scene 1 after Mercutio has been fatally wounded by Tybalt in a duel. Mercutio, known for his wit and humor throughout the play, makes this pun as he lies...