Motor Vehicle Registration: One-time fee paid by the buyer of new vehicle at the time of purchase. Vehicle Transfer: Fee paid at the time of transfer of vehicle to a new owner. Property Tax: Annual tax paid by property owners in urban areas. ...
Motor Vehicle Registration: One-time fee paid by the buyer of new vehicle at the time of purchase. Vehicle Transfer: Fee paid at the time of transfer of vehicle to a new owner. Property Tax: Annual tax paid by property owners in urban areas. ...
CEIC提供的电力:总发电量:私人:旁遮普数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Electricity Authority,数据归类于全球数据库的印度 – Table IN.RBC011: Electricity: Gross Generation: Utilities: Ownership。查看图表中 2003 到2023 期间的印度 Electricity: Gross Generation: Private: Punjab...
该数据的历史最高值出现于03-01-2002,达1,457.300百万印度卢比,而历史最低值则出现于03-01-1991,为180.900百万印度卢比。CEIC提供的农业产出值:CS:旁遮普数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于全球数据库的印...
CEIC提供的农业产量:米:旁遮普数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare,数据归类于全球数据库的印度 – Table IN.RIB008: Production of Foodgrains in Major States: Rice。
该数据的历史最高值出现于09-01-2024,达0.000兆瓦,而历史最低值则出现于09-01-2024,为0.000兆瓦。CEIC提供的电力容量:柴油:旁遮普数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Electricity Authority,数据归类于全球数据库的印度 – Table IN.RBB014: Electricity: Installed Capacity: Utilities: by S...
Motor Vehicle Registration: One-time fee paid by the buyer of new vehicle at the time of purchase. Vehicle Transfer: Fee paid at the time of transfer of vehicle to a new owner. Property Tax: Annual tax paid by property owners in urban areas. ...
Motor Vehicle Registration: One-time fee paid by the buyer of new vehicle at the time of purchase. Vehicle Transfer: Fee paid at the time of transfer of vehicle to a new owner. Property Tax: Annual tax paid by property owners in urban areas. Professional Tax: Taxes paid by the working ...
该数据的历史最高值出现于03-01-2016,达634.442百万公斤,而历史最低值则出现于03-01-1999,为152.914百万公斤。CEIC提供的纱生产:棉花:旁遮普数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Office of The Textile Commissioner,数据归类于全球数据库的印度 – Table IN.RSA004: Textile: Production: Yarn: by States。
Motor Vehicle Registration: One-time fee paid by the buyer of new vehicle at the time of purchase. Vehicle Transfer: Fee paid at the time of transfer of vehicle to a new owner. Property Tax: Annual tax paid by property owners in urban areas. ...