subject to other eligibility criteria. The list of beneficiaries of Punjab free smartphone scheme is not available online, however, a student can approach the school administration to know is his/her name is in the list or not.
1. Some specific plants were reported by a single common name among all the groups, for instance,Phoenix sylvestriswas described as Jangli Khajuur,Podaxis pistillariswas referred as Khumbi,Ziziphus nummulariawas quoted as Bair;Morus albawas given the name Shahtoot.,Impatiens balsaminaas Jangli ...
this tehsil'headquarters was shifted back to Sardulgarh-In this petition, the state has been accusediof non application of mind, and of acting in a whimsical manner-this was contested by the State- Held-No malafides have been imputed-Grouse is that abolishing of the newly created subdivision...