voters revealed that the freebie culture was not appealing to them. The ruling party in Punjab, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), terms welfarism, what BJP decries as ready politics bringing no Continue reading Punjabs Economy Bleeds As Freebie Politics Takes A Toll The post Punjabs Economy Bleeds As ...
हत्या के प्रयास और अन्य अपराधिक मामलों में फरार BJP कार्यकर्ता गिरफ्तार -2 hours ago ...
Hindi cannot be the national language beacause India's unity is shaped by its coloniser’s English language Seasons of Our Being: Punjab On Two Sides of the Wagah What does humanity means to you? : Videos Sikh Harassed In Pakistan Social Experiment!!!
With the identity politics that culminated into the partition of the land into two nations and later partition of Punjab's boundaries on linguistic basis in 1966 AD, the Quissa tradition got a severe jolt among the people of Punjab. The newly formed state of Haryana, adopted Hindi as its pr...
Hindi cannot be the national language beacause India's unity is shaped by its coloniser’s English language Seasons of Our Being: Punjab On Two Sides of the Wagah What does humanity means to you? : Videos Sikh Harassed In Pakistan Social Experiment!!!
The opposition in the Lok Sabha was led by Advani, whose BJP won some 120 seats, reaching a new peak in popularity, especially in the Hindi-speaking heartland of northern India, where it took control of India’s most populous state, Uttar Pradesh. The JD gained fewer than 60 seats, just...