Punitive Damages and the Principle of Full Reparation in the Case Law of the Inter-American Court of Human RightsThis article assumes the existence of the principle of full reparation to consider the potential applicability of punitive damages in international human rightsCichero, Agostina...
Unlike a fine paid in a criminal case,punitive damagesgo to the injured party. 但这种赔偿与刑事案件的赔偿不同,惩戒性赔偿是给付给受害一方的. 互联网 展开全部 英英释义 Noun 1. (law) compensation in excess of actual damages (a form of punishment awarded in cases of malicious or willful miscond...
Punitive damages have been a controversial aspect of U.S. law; often criticized both at home and abroad. Neither U.S. law on punitive damages nor the foreign climate regarding their reception has remained static. This article notes the continuing legislative attack on punitive damages in the ...
Punitive damages were first recognized in England in 1763 and were recognized by the American colonies almost immediately. By 1850, punitive damages had become a well-established part of civil law. The purposes of punitive damages are to punish the defendant for outrageous misconduct and to deter ...
Strictly speaking, punitive damages should be an appropriate form of reparation for serious breaches. 严格地说,惩罚性赔偿应作为严重违背行为的一种适当赔偿方式。 Open Multilingual Wordnet 惩戒性损害赔偿金 UN term 惩罚性损害赔偿金 However, parties whose domestic law provides for punitive damages...
There is specific case law and statutes that outline when and where and why punitive damages are appropriate. Experienced personal injury lawyers can analyze the case to help you decide whether or not your case is one in which punitive damages may be awarded, how and what evidence must be ...
punitive damages - (law) compensation in excess of actual damages (a form of punishment awarded in cases of malicious or willful misconduct) exemplary damages, smart money law, jurisprudence - the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great...
法律英语根底词汇:Punitive damages Punitive damages - 惩办性赔偿 also called mplary damages.“ Compensatory damages awarded above the value of losses that the plaintiff actually suffered. He was awarded punitive damages(= in a court of law) 法庭判给他处分性的损害赔偿。 The Oregon Supreme Court ...
What are some examples of punitive damages? Types of Damages: When a person or business is found guilty of harming others and violating the law, they are often required to pay damages to the injured party. Damages are divided into two types with compensatory damages applied to restore the vic...
The history of punitive or exemplary damages, the terms are synonymous, is rooted in 18th century English case law though it was not until 1964, in the case of Rookes v Barnard 1 that such damages were specifically identified as "punitive" or "exemplary". Punitive damages are damages which ...