This differential way of evaluating third-parties could be driving the sex differences in 3PP described in the literature15,29,30, a feature we also observe in our sample even after controlling for sexually dimorphic characteristics. It is interesting to point out that 3PP, in addition to ...
Childhood callous-unemotional (CU) traits are associated with a neurocognitive response style of high reward and low punishment sensitivity, which may make
The present study serves to test whether cooperation and moral punishment are affected by cognitive load. Dual-process theories postulate that moral behavior is intuitive which leads to the prediction that cooperation and moral punishment should remain u
a fine = to pay money as a punishment for an offence house arrest = imprisoned in one’s own house rather than in prison to suspend a license = withholding a person’s right to use their driving license for a period of time to revoke a license = to take away someone’s driving licen...
And twenty-seven states revoke the driving licenses of some or all former drug felons; that makes it still more difficult for them to find jobs [33]. Finally, new government regulations prohibit the Legal Services Corporation from using public or private funds to help former felons legally ...
In these large nations, it is more difficult for the "human rights dynamic"22 that has been driving aboli- tion in many parts of the world to influence death penalty policy and practice than it is for the same dynamic to have an effect in Gabon, Latvia, Bolivia, Congo, Fiji, Madagascar...
This further suggests that there was no sensitivity to reward driving behaviour other than that captured by the learning rate. These considerations do not support a role for reward in triggering the action initiation bias. Future studies could include ‘go to avoid punishment’ and ‘no-go to ...
Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) present difficulties in integrating mental state information in complex moral tasks. Yet, ASD research has not examined whether this process is influenced by emotions, let alone while capturing its neural b
Without a penalty imposed on punished defectors, defection rates remain very high and, except for the drop in the asymmetric VOD, barely differ across experimental conditions (χ2(3) = 7.16, p = 0.067). As soon as a penalty is introduced in the second part of the experiment, ...
Fairness norms can be measured using the Dictator Game (DG). For the fairness norm in the loss domain, this happens with the negative DG, in which a loss has to be divided. Therefore, at best, the dictator remains in the status quo without bearing any loss. We are aware that there is...