Only difference is that they painted the enemy grey instead of white. Characters are mediocre and predictable as well, hitting most of the classic anime stereotype. The edgy girl, the soft spoken healer, the edgy guy, the little girl that has super strength, etc. There is next to no ...
Before, I just thought it was just a competing product of Honkai 3rd, but now I know what an excellent work it is, especially the roles of Alpha, Karenina, Hanying, Bianca and so on. I like them so much. I will always be the commander of the Grey Crow Team, and I will go on ...
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Lucia Alpha-punishinggreyravenPGR#punishinggreyraven #PGR #北極 #パニグレ #少女 #黑夜 #白发 #冬季 #极光 #ルシア・深淵ノ紅 #横图 #男生向用户昵称DfaYaK4Ytg分享了这个作品 热门标签 动漫头像pixiv动漫壁纸头像女p站二次元原神动漫美女古风头像二次元美女头像男中国风评论...
pgr = Punishing Grey Raven, 战双帕弥什 贴吧热榜 按内容热度排行,每小时更新一次 1 有什么演员演技很一般,却被孝子吹成神 热度451.1W 2 “我们都解放了,你们怎么还来打我……我们是好人啊啊啊…”💥 热度143.2W 3 新资料片《千变万化》汇总 热度107.6W 4 《走进百大》 热度71.8W 5 大家是如...
Before, I just thought it was just a competing product of Honkai 3rd, but now I know what an excellent work it is, especially the roles of Alpha, Karenina, Hanying, Bianca and so on. I like them so much. I will always be the commander of the Grey Crow Team, and I will go on ...