Bart F. recently wrote, “I read your Bluebook rules, but the examples omitted the common usage found when a sentence ends with a quote that completes the thought.” Bart continued: Texas, with a history of rugged individualism, was part of the “Sagebru
Bart F. recently wrote, “I read your Bluebook rules, but the examples omitted the common usage found when a sentence ends with a quote that completes the thought.” Bart continued: Texas, with a history of rugged individualism, was part of the “Sagebrush rebellion”. I was taught that ...
If a sentence concludes with an abbreviation that ends with a period, a second period should NOT be used. For example: o This matter will now be referred to the I.R.S. f)After Letter or Number in Series For example: o a. Set the table. b. Serve the dishes. o 1. Set the alarm...
Question Marks- (?) A question mark also comes at the end of a sentence. As its name states, it indicates that the sentence is asking a question. Here is a sentence that ends in question mark:Where are you going after breakfast?
In this case, the period after “MD” serves as the end of the sentence. Independent Clauses When joining two independent clauses, a period can be used to separate them. For example, “I went to the store. I bought some milk.” In this case, the period is used to separate the two...
The colon introduces a pause into the sentence, which in turn, adds emphasis to the second half of the sentence. Semi Colon When we make our ice cream we need: some vanilla pods or essence; a tub of fresh, double cream; some caster sugar; four medium eggs and a pint of milk. The ...
When quoting a question, you would end with a question mark, not a question mark and a period: Carlos leaned forward and asked, “Did you get the answer to number six?” If an abbreviation, like etc., ends a sentence, you should only use one period. I think we’ll have enough ...
A. B. 1. 2. Always place a period inside a quotation mark that ends a sentence. Example: The sign read, “A pest is a friend in need.” Danger, Will Robinson If an abbreviation comes at the end of a sentence, do not add another period. ...
When periods are used with quotation marks, parenthesis, and ellipses, the rules get a little more complicated. We discuss each of these individually in the following sections. Sentences If a sentence is either declarative or imperative, place the period directly after the final word. It’s cu...
If the direct address is in the middle of a sentence, there needs to be a comma before and after it. Ex:You know, kitty, just because I enjoy talking with you doesn’t mean I’m lonely. If the direct address ends a sentence, a comma needs to come before it. ...