Rules for Punctuation with Quotation Marks Punctuations such asdash(-),colon(:), andsemicolon(;) should be placed outside thequotation marks("). Below are examples of the use of these punctuations in quotes: He said he was "working" - but then I saw him watching TV!
punctuation mark,punctuation- the marks used to clarify meaning by indicating separation of words into sentences and clauses and phrases single quote- a single quotation mark double quotes- a pair of quotation marks scare quote- the use of quotation marks to indicate that it is not the authors...
People sometimes say "in quotes" (often putting up their two hands with two fingers extended on each hand, like quotation marks), indicating that the words came from another source, or in a mocking way, or suggesting that they don't quite believe what they have just said:...
into sense parts (such as the hyphen) or syllables (the hyphen in the Vietnamese Roman alphabet); (5) marks indicating quotes or a certain emotional relationship to words and phrases (for example, quotation marks); and (6) marks of abbreviation (period, hyphen, oblique stroke)— for examp...
Quotation marks "引号 (yǐn hào)" in Chinese are both single and double quote marks, with the double quotes used within the single quotes. 中文里的引号有单引号和双引号之分,单引号用于双引号之内。 「…『…』…」 However, traditional Chinese uses the symbols as shown above. They are used ...
Place quotation marks (“”) around direct speech, quoted sentences, or titles of short works. Single quotation marks (”) can be used for quotes within quotes. Example: He said, “The meeting is at 3 PM.” The article titled ‘The Power of Words’ explores effective communication. ...
There are a variety of rules for punctuation usage with quotation marks. This can cause confusion because different types of punctuation go inside quotes while others go outside quotes, but this punctuation in quotes can change depending on the situation. This lesson will detail some of the most...
oIfthe exclamation point or question mark isnt part of the quote, put it outsidethe quote marks. §Didyou hear her yell “Im failing”? oUsenew quotes for each speaker. oIfthe quote is longer than a paragraph, put quotes at the beginning of eachparagraph and at the end of the last pa...
square brackets,parentheses,braces- Square brackets were formerly called crotchets, round brackets are commonly called parentheses, and curly brackets are called braces; the punctuation called brackets derives from the bookshelf type, implying that, in writing, these marks "lift up" a section of a ...
In British English, single quotes are typically used. Do periods go inside quotation marks? How about parentheses? In American English, periods always go inside quotation marks. The same is true for commas. However, not all other punctuation marks go inside quotation marks. Dashes, colons, and...