-Semicolons (except for their list function) combine a complete sentence with phrasal material (even single words) -Colons usually introduce material that illustrates or otherwise amplifies that main clause that precedes them; semicolons combine more "equal" ideas ...
In a numbered vertical list that completes a sentence begun in an introductory element and that consists of phrases or sentences with internal punctuation, semicolons may be used between the items, and a period should follow the final item. ... [Example:] Reporting for the Development Committe...
You should use this punctuation mark even if your list contains only two items. And since Chinese doesn’t have a direct equivalent for the word “and”, this punctuation mark can sometimes stand for “and” in a Chinese sentence. Here are two examples: ...
A variant form of list definition includes a punctuation mark (a comma or semicolon) before the word to be used between repetitions. For example, ‘[< literal>, or]’ indicates that any of the following may appear at that point in the rule statement: 1. < literal> or < literal>; 2...
When referring to a specific place in a numbered series In the abstract of a paper (this allows you to save space in the character limit) Always use words: For any number that begins a sentence, title or heading (but where possible, rephrase to avoid the issue) For common fractions (e...
Either word falls under the category of “enumeration,” which involves using numbered lists to make a point or explanation. If you were showing a friend how to bake a cake and said something such as “first, you pour in the flour, and second, you add the eggs,” you would be using ...
Rule 1: Use the colon after a complete sentence to introduce a list of items when introductory words such as namely, for example, or that is do not apply or are not appropriate. Examples: You may be required to bring many items: sleeping bags, pans, and
Most of us don’t have the ZIP+4 file; therefore I recommend following the advice given in the second sentence, i.e., generally use numerals. Cindisays: May 14, 2020, at 1:51 pm Mark asked about this situation not a numeric street name: ...
According to Merriam-Webster online, momentarily can be defined as either “for a moment” or “in a moment.” We Americans use the latter definition while the former is the usage in Britain. We are unclear about whether you are saying in your first sentence that an historic is correct on...