(Sint-Truiden) we find the headquarters of Punch Powertrain with global direction. The key components of our transmissions are made in here and the R&D department has experienced strong growth in recent years. Punch Powertrain is also represented inFrance(Clermont-Ferrand), where the focus is on ...
This is the second joint venture between the two partners. In July they had established the ‘Punch Powertrain PSA e-transmissions assembly’ dedicated to the assembly of the DT2 transmission at PSA’s facility in Metz, France. Punch Power train belongs to the Chinese Yinyi Group. Previous owne...
The new Joint Venture, “Punch Powertrain PSA e-transmissions”, will supply Punch Powertrain’s innovative, ultra-efficient and compact automatic transmissions. Known as the DT2, this cost-efficient dual clutch transmission is the first in the industry to integrate an electric motor in...
Changan Automobile is determining to consolidate the strength in independent development of powertrain. On June 4, the Chongqing-based automaker launched the Blue Core Powertrain Brand themed “China heart drives future forward”. According to the carmaker, the Blue Core is divided into three sectors,...
于全资子公司 Punch Powertrain N.V.取得 PSA Automobiles SA 电动化 双离合自动变速器合格供应商资格的公告》(公告编号:2018-069)。 为更好地满足 DT2 变速箱项目的合作需求,尽快推进该项目顺利开 展, 邦 奇 拟 与 标 致 雪 铁 龙 集 团 签 订 ...
【特高中国招聘信息】诚聘【STLA/PUNCH Powertrain SQE(J10319)】年薪15-20k,特高中国公司规模500-999人,经验:5-10年,学历: 本科,猎聘祝您顺利获得特高中国STLA/PUNCH Powertrain SQE(J10319)职位.
Subscribe General Motors (NYSE: GM) and Punch Metals International, a company of the industrial investor Guido Dumarey, reached an agreement that secures the long-term future of the GM Powertrain operations in Strasbourg, France. Punch Metals will acquire the ent...
股票简称:ST银亿 股票代码:000981 公告编号:2020-042 银亿股份有限公司 关于全资子公司 Punch Powertrain N.V. 与 PSA Automobiles SA 成立合资公司的公告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证公告内容的真实、准确和完整,没有虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏。 风险提示: 1.公司目前逾期贷款本金 333,612.55 万元,被冻结资...