punched card-card-card punch-chad-field-keypunch-unit record Forum discussions with the word(s) "punch card" in the title: dropping card by punch-slotted card under electric eyes. Visit the English Only Forum. Help WordReference: Ask in the forums yourself. ...
The meaning of PUNCH CARD is a card in which holes are punched in designated positions to represent data —called also Hollerith card, punched card. How to use punch card in a sentence.
https://2020census.gov The punched card format adopted by IBM had eighty columns and twelve rows. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punched_card The upper three rows are called zones and numbered 12, 11, and 0. Row 0 was followed by rows 1:9 can be used to specify 0-9. Letters of ...
'card punch'与'keypunch'相互参照。 您可以在下面的一行或多行中找到它。'card punch' is cross-referenced with 'keypunch'. It is in one or more of the lines below. WordReference English-ChineseDictionary © 2025: 主要翻译 英语中文
A group of adjacent card columns on a punch card. 穿孔卡片上一组相邻的列. 互联网 The check - out slip inside a library book was a punch card. 图书馆的借书单以前是穿孔的卡片. 互联网 Help! I'm trapped in a binary punch card factory! 救命! 我被抓到制造二入位穿孔卡片的工厂里了! 互...
punched card 释义 凿孔卡 实用场景例句 全部 A perforation, as in apunched cardor paper tape. 在穿孔卡片或纸带上穿孔的一种动作. 互联网 英英释义 Noun 1. a card on which data can be recorded in the form of punched holes
punch card punch card 穿孔卡片(等于punched card) 同义词 n.hollerith card,punched card 参考例子 1.To punch identical hole patterns into eachpunch cardof a card deck. 把同样的信息孔穿在一叠卡片中的每一张上。 2.The user switched it on and inserted apunch cardor pressed a certain key, ...
1.One of the horizontal lines on a punched card. 穿孔卡片上的水平行。 2.A punched card which is an exact copy of a previous punched card. 一种穿孔卡片,它是先前某个穿孔卡片的准确无误的拷贝。 3.Pertaining to a particular type of code or punched card utilizing12-rows per column and ...
Hibernation and bit-locker don’t work when booted from VHD’s. Suspend does work on my Dell D830 after I installed the NVIDEA drivers for my video card. It works best with a fixed-size VHD, dynamic VHD disks will run slower There is a slight performance hit, around 3%, when compared...
punched card equipment 穿孔卡片设备 communicating word processing equipment 通信文字处理设备使用远程通信技术,能发送和接收电文,资料(或二者兼有)的文书处理设备。 integrated word processing equipment 集成字处理装置,集成字词处理设备 console word processing equipment 控制台式字处理设备,控制台字词处理设备 相似...