These might be good if altered to be a regular ol’ fudgy brownie with pumpkin cheesecake swirled in… mmmm. Have fun in Paris- there is an amazing place for ice cream called Berthillon, which is about 5 minutes walking from Notre Dame. I have vivid memories of eating this like 10 ...
Second off, this pound cake has a new twist; namely, pumpkin-cinnamon-pecan-streusel-awesomeness swirled throughout the cake. Add the maple brown sugar glaze and some toasted nuts on top and you have the perfect autumn dessert. It’s a handsome one, at that, so consider this recipe for ...
Add ¼ cup rum, brandy, bourbon, orange liqueur, or liquor of choice to the custard. More LunaCafe Pumpkin Pies & Cheesecakes Pumpkin Sour Cream Pie with Caramel Walnut Topping Pumpkin Spice & White Chocolate Cheesecake Dreamy, Creamy, No-Bake Pumpkin Butter Cheesecake Cookin’ with Gas(inspi...
tender, and cake-like. But let's be clear about something: Because they're muffins andnotcake (a fine distinction, to be sure), these pumpkin muffins are a legit breakfast-food option as well as a guilt-free snack throughout the rest of the day. ...
Pour cheesecake batter over cinnamon roll layer Prepare cinnamon filling Stir together butter, brown sugar and cinnamon Drop spoonfuls of cinnamon filling on top of cheesecake layer Top that with big drops of cinnamon roll batter; use a knife to carefully swirl the batter Bake cheesecake for 45-...