aI asked for more direction 我请求更多方向[translate] aAll the other kids with the pumped up kicks, you'd better run, better run, outrun my gun, faster than my bullet. 所有其他孩子与抽解雇,您快速地比我的子弹应该跑,更好的奔跑,逃脱我的枪。[translate]...
Some people say chomping,others say champing. Either way, the meaning is all the same. Chomping at thebit originates from horse races, when horses would chomp, or bite thematerials in their mouths as they ran to win the race. If I say, “I'mchomping at the bit to see this movie!
aThe characteristic of Chinese Knot is that every knot is made of a single rope and named by its specific form and meaning. By combining different knots or other auspicious adornments skillfully, an unique auspicious ornament which represents beauty, idea and wishes is formed. For example, "Full...
Bothraiseandrisecan be used as nouns with meaning pay increase.Raiseis used in American English, andriseis used in British English. Millions of Americans get a pay raise today. ...a rise of at least 12 per cent. 注意不要混淆动词rise, raise和arise。rise是不及物动词,不能带宾语,而raise是...
a我怕我说中文你立马看懂什么意思 I feared I said Chinese you understand any meaning immediately[translate] aSingle Poly 唯一多[translate] a芝加哥商业交易所 Chicago commercial exchange[translate] a你好,本款手机听筒并不保证所有的手机同苹果4手机一样的效果的,本店销售出去的听筒都是一一测试所有按键,听...
Imthefirsttoadmittoxic”haslostallmeaning 一般意义 inthegeneralsense. 所以我必须讲出我们的故事 Thatswhywehavetotellourstories. 具体细节很重要 Thespecificsmatter, 因为每个细节都代表了 becauseeachspecificisanotherhuman 有一个人被推向了边缘 pushedthatmuchclosertotheedge. 就拿艾莉森来说来自加州理工的出色...
Instancemeaningeachride. 公hearts;司hearts;每运营一天 Ninetydaysinjailperday 就要面临九十天监禁 thecompanyremainsinoperationpasttheorder. 是我要坐牢吗 Thatsmeinjail? 对是我要坐牢 Yeah,thatsyouinjail,man. 有什么文件是你能签让你来顶 Anythingyoucouldsignsoitsyouinsteadofme? 天呐不行 Jesus,no. 我...
becomes slack, the fat cells just under the skin start to protrude through and produce the cottage-cheese look of cellulite. Being sedentary contributes to the depletion of collagen; you've got less circulation to your skin, meaning it receives less nutrients and oxygen to support healthy ...
a我怕我说中文你立马看懂什么意思 I feared I said Chinese you understand any meaning immediately[translate] aSingle Poly 唯一多[translate] a芝加哥商业交易所 Chicago commercial exchange[translate] a你好,本款手机听筒并不保证所有的手机同苹果4手机一样的效果的,本店销售出去的听筒都是一一测试所有按键,听...
Apart from acting as a power stabilizer, batteries in these wind/diesel hybrid systems have another important function: due to their short reaction time, they act as a replacement for spinning reserve, meaning they monitor the grid permanently and supply their rated power should they detect a sud...