9102年都要过完一半了,别再用StepF2了原文为西班牙文,丢到Google翻译里面翻译成英文Stepmania 5 Theme Pump It Up XX Anniversary v1.01 2019EYE!!! READ ALL THE DESCRIPTION TO KNOW HOW TO INSTALL.Includes songs from the 1st Dance Floor to PIU XX Anniversary v1
The new software package comes with multiple upgrades including new user interfaces, new songs, worldwide game play, new charaters and linking with previous machines. The new Pump It Up 20th Anniversary game is also available in upgrade kits for cabinet versions FX (42”), CX (...
Pump It Up Phoenix 2023 Upgrade HDD Kit is available to upgrade your existing Pump it Up dance machine. New scoring system Changed to 1,000,000 point scoring system!! New plates based on conditions!! Premimum Mode Exclusive content to premium mode. Up to 6 songs are playable. Step Re...
OUTFOX - 结算界面 再给大家分享一个我特别喜欢的StepMania特别版(强烈安利!!!):由OVERCROSS TEAM WORKS制作的PUMP IT UP XX版模拟器,也是我平时制作自制谱面,录制视频发布B站使用的模拟器,它既可以做谱也可以游玩谱面,显示效果是非常舒服的,支持高分辨率高帧数(120FPS往上),基于StepMania 5修改制作,界面效果不...
Pump It Up PRIME 2 2018 MK9 Full Upgrade Kit is the latest release from Andamiro. This is the 15th installment of the series of the highly successful Pump It Up series and this kit can be used to upgrade Pump It Up CX, TX and FX Cabinets.
黑眼豆豆-Pump It song mp3 欧美其它手机铃声 Singing, seed music provides free online trial playback, if you like it, please share it with your friends!
'FIESTA' is the latest version of the popular music rhythm games Pump It Up. The software update features 260 songs in total, making it the largest collection of songs ever seen in a Pump It Up game. The update includes twice as many songs as is contained in the current Pump It Up ...
Download Pump It Up M: Beat Finger Step latest version for iOS free. Pump It Up M: Beat Finger Step latest update: July 7, 2020
Pump Pump Intro song mp3 Snoop Dogg[史努比狗狗] Singing, seed music provides free online trial playback, if you like it, please share it with your friends!
I play pump it up more than DDR or ITG. And I heard that PIU Pro will have USB slots. I like the fact that I can play my favorite songs on an ITG machine with a usb card. By any chance, do you think it would be possible able to play my own songs on Piu pro(or at least ...