歌曲顺序结合歌曲分类与Wikipedia的list of pump it up songs页面来定。不包含等级<5的谱面。如果在观看的时候遇到什么问题,请随时在评论区中指正,谢谢! --- 【XX改谱信息】 Hi-Bi D20 0:47~0:52 10键长条变成6键长条 ZM_J 1064观看 3 15
It has been previously stated that mexJK expression is regulated by the repressor MexL [60]. Nevertheless, while the performed in vitro biochemical analyses were robust, mexL expression was measured in an indirect way, by using plasmids carrying reporters of its expression [59,60]; the level ...
By summing up the flow rates from nine pistons, the discharge flow rates of the piston pump can be obtained by: N ∑Qp = qout,i i=1 (4) where N is the piston number. The gradient of the chamber volume is the cause of the discharge flow. It relies on the movement of the piston...
Got to play a bit of it, last night, now that I don't have a black screen greeting me; in short, this is what PIU H5 should've been. You got a decent starting songlist with higher quality audio, charts that mimic the AC versions, and you can play unlocked songs as many times ...
I began playing Pump It Up when Fiesta 2 was around and stop playing in the Prime era, so the songs I know are very limited. My top 10 would be: 10: Pumptris Quattro / Yahpp 9: Witch Doctor / Banya 8: Pine Nut / Doin