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(an)osncP,rdeahdnoptogotlwoaetcg)nherbedasepcicwanholigyectdhhaoi)ltfnetitaanahceahPrneeNefdaterOtirtoCeodmnit(schyoheertaftogoonlrgaitlseshlu)usebbscstceoeroivaqncetugherelsaentltaihttpaecascench(laocleitcndrouccmtlleoetpuydttrhtewooe. fi(gtiClhtllha)usbeSsslctacrchchaoektavmemeliartnhbstei...
1.1. Analysis of the Solar Collectors When summarizing the published works it can be seen that Chaturvedi is one of the most prolific authors in this area, having written a series of experimental and numerical studies to determine the effects the devices that comprise the heat pump cycle have ...
The renewable energy system functions as an independent system in the building and for the energy production it is important to supply stable energy to the building load. From this viewpoint, a new renewable multi-source system has been developed in order to solve several problems caused by the...
. ((33)) ImImpplelmemenetntththeeoopptitmimaal lddeesisgignnooffWWEECCPPbbyy FFEEDD--CCFFDD mmeetthhoodd.. AAftfeterroopptitmimizizaatitoionn, ,ththeehheeaadd cucurvrveeoof fimimppeelllelerrisisrreellaattiivveellyyffllaatt,,tthhee eefffificiency is at a hhiigghhlleevveell,,aannddtthhee...
It was expected that the tandem crescent pump could lead to a decrease in the flow ripple through the proper selection of the design parameters in terms of the index angle and the displacement ratio. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: the simulation model is proposed in Section ...
The LHP mode is passive, which means it does not consume work. Therefore, the hybrid photovoltaic solar assisted loop heat pipe/heat pump (PV-SALHP/HP) system could heavily reduce power consumption, raise the utilization ratio of solar energy, and promote energy saving. For the hybrid PV-...
In contrast, we have previously shown that PPI administration decreased calcium absorption and did not affect phosphorus absorption in weaning rats, although it increased 1,25(OH)2D levels [7], which suggests that high 1,25(OH)2D levels induced by PPI administration did not compensate for the ...