Pump N Dump Data is up-to-date Last updated for version1.2.8.0 The current game version is1.7.7.0 TalentTreeDescription Pump N Dump ID:pumpndump Mechanic General Tier 2Pumpsyou've repaired gain 10% Maximum Flow. Pumps repaired by a character with this talent will retain the increased flow...
## Run style check for compile, test, and integration test. sbt scalastyle test:scalastyle it:scalastyle How to generate the license report to generate a list of all dependencies sbt dumpLicenseReport How to generate dependencies by declared license ...
Joe Mabel // Wikimedia Commons 1923: A.C. Gilbert Company chemistry sets When A.C. Gilbert Company introduced its chemistry set for kids in 1923, it came complete with cyanide and explosives. Fast forward to the 1960s when the Hazardous Substances Labeling Act of 1960 helped make the kits...
Ko je cena na umetno visoki ravni, se dolga pozicija odproda – tako imenovana praksa „dvigni in prodaj“ (pump and dump); When the price is at an artificial high level, the long position held is sold out — usually known as ‘pump and dump’; EurLex-2 Podjetji Pierburg...
// provided dump is half size and definitely don't seem sane, // just assume they didn't change that part // ROM_LOAD( "bios.u22", 0x000000, 0x010000, BAD_DUMP CRC(574bb327) SHA1(c24484e9b304b9d570c5ead6be768f563d5c389f) ) #define PUMPITUP_BIOS \ ROM_REGION32_LE(0x20000...
(let the buyers beware and let the market decide, but please don't moan when/if auto deaths rise), I cannot sign off on eliminating government regulation to limit pollution. We cannot go back to the daze when it was OK for folks to dump any stuff they felt like, in the interest of...
The open-topped TEQ combo is roughly offensively equivalent to a LR+assault terminator squad at half the point cost and double the speed. Make sure you have some killsaws so that you can dump them off in front of super heavies and reliably take them down. You can fit up to 6 MANz, ...