I must remember to fasten the boots slip-fashion to help my stillsuit’spumping action, she thought. Literature He had apump-actionshotgun in a zippered canvas case, and a box of twenty-gauge shells. Literature Semi-automatic orpump-actiontype weapons; ...
A semiautomatic gun which can be used to fire two types of ammunition comprises first and second bolts and a selector assembly operated by a user of the gun. The selector assembly selectively permits loading and firing of one type of ammunition. The gun has only a single trigger for ...
单词 pump-action 释义pump-action adjective[before noun]uk /ˈpʌmp.æk.ʃən/ us /ˈpʌmp.æk.ʃən/ used to refer to adevicethatoperatesbyforcingsomething,especiallyair, in or out of aclosedspaceorcontainer:(装置)拉推式的,压出式的 a pump-actionshotgun拉推式猎枪 a ...
Noun1.pump action- action mechanism in a modern rifle or shotgun; a back and forward motion of a sliding lever ejects the empty shell case and cocks the firearm and loads a new round slide action action mechanism,action- the operating part that transmits power to a mechanism; "the piano...
If you ask any avid shooter, outdoorsman, or gun enthusiast if they could own only one type of gun, what would it be? Chances are they will tell you the pump-action shotgun. Why go with a pump shotgun, you ask? For starters, they are affordable, reliable, and versatile. No other ...
Combination pump action autoloading rifle and shotgun A semiautomatic gun which can be used to fire two types of ammunition comprises first and second bolts and a selector assembly operated by a user of the gun. The selector assembly selectively permits loading and firing of one type of amm....
Portrait Stefan Rumpler from the GECO team** Pistol, shotgun and semi-auto rifle in IPSC style** His guns, optics and ammunition** Tips for beginners
A semiautomatic gun which can be used to fire two types of ammunition comprises first and second bolts and a selector assembly operated by a user of the gun. The selector assembly selectively permits loading and firing of one type of ammunition. The gun has only a single trigger for ...
FANATIC ARMED FOR A PRIVATE WAR; A in a Tiny Semi: Sten Gun, Pump-Action Shotgun, Semiautomatic Pistol, Rifle, Plastic Explosive, Petrol Bomb, CS Gas Gun, Grenade and Thousands of BulletsTaylor, Ben
Combination pump action autoloading rifle and shotgun A semiautomatic gun which can be used to fire two types of ammunition comprises first and second bolts and a selector assembly operated by a user of the gun. The selector assembly selectively permits loading and firing of one type of amm....