The development of pumiceous texture in the sills was favoured by emplacement beneath a thin cover of wet sediment in a relatively shallow, submarine shelf setting in which the confining pressure was sufficiently low to permit vesiculation. This setting was also important in limiting the extent of...
The development of pumiceous texture in the sills was favoured by emplacement beneath a thin cover of wet sediment in a relatively shallow, submarine shelf setting in which the confining pressure was sufficiently low to permit vesiculation. This setting was also important in limiting the extent of...
pumiceous [ Said of the texture of a pyroclastic rock, e.g. pumice, characterized by numerous small cavities, presenting a spongy, frothy appearance; finer than scoriaceous. Also, said of a rock exhibiting such texture ] ● bimssteinartig...
Gradational relationships between pumiceous peperite and coherent pumiceous rhyolite, pumice clasts with chilled margins and curviplanar surfaces, and abundant jigsaw-fit texture imply that quench fragmentation and autobrecciation were the dominant mechanisms of clast formation. The formation of pumiceous...
fines contentcyclic triaxial testingPumiceous particles have a distinct vesicular nature as well as a complex surface texture that makes them potentially vulnerable to crushing under cyclic loading. Pumiceous sand mixtures have received more scientific attention than pumiceous silts in this regard. ...
Composition, texture, primary structures, and lack of induration suggest that, apart from a locally preserved cover of air-fall tephra, the Klutlan pumice deposits are resedimented proximal equivalents of the White River Ash. The pumice terraces display large-scale crossbedding, normal and inverse...
Large collapse events slumped, producing poorly sorted mounds similar in texture to the original starting material. As the matrix of the ignimbrite sample became saturated with water, moderate and large collapse events generated debrisflows and slurries that deposited massive, poorly sorted deposits. ...