The pumice rafts reached the Amami-shima and Okinawa Islands approximately two months after the eruption and continued to cover the sea surface at several bays and ports, providing a great opportunity to study the characteristics of raft pumices. Sieve analysis of the floating pumice indicated that...
Pumice rafts are floating mobile accumulations of low-density pumice clasts generated by silicic volcanic eruptions. Pumice in rafts can drift for years, become waterlogged and sink, or become stranded on shorelines. Here we show that the pumice raft for
The 12 August 2021 eruption of Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba, a shallow submarine volcano in the Izu-Bonin arc of Japan, is one of few documented submarine eruptions to make a large aerial plume and floating pumice raft. Relative to past eruptions, this event was well-covered by multiple high resoluti...
The pumice rafts reached the Amami-shima and Okinawa Islands approximately two months after the eruption and continued to cover the sea surface at several bays and ports, providing a great opportunity to study the characteristics of raft pumices. Sieve analysis of the floating pumice indicated that...
Topics mentioned include the potential hazards the 400 square kilometers of raft-covered ocean can bring to shipping lanes, the scientists' proposal to track pumice the same way the airline industry tracks volcanic ash in the atmosphere, and the factors controlling pumice motions and trajectories....
The 2012 eruption of Havre submarine volcano created a 1.5 km3 pumice raft that spread over 550,000 km2 within three months (Carey et al., 2014, Jutzeler et al., 2014). Pumice rafts have been shown to facilitate the dispersal of species such as barnacles, corals, algae, and gastropods ...
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RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook pumice Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Wikipedia pumice a light porous acid volcanic rock having the composition of rhyolite, used for scouring and, in powdered form, as an abrasive and for polishing ...
In particular, the degree of pumice concentration in the raft was found to be important for discussing the change of pumice shape at sea and attachment of marine organisms. An additional floating experiment was performed to clarify the very long-term floating of drift pumice from the FOB ...
In August 2019, a 195 km2 raft of andesitic pumice (Southwest Pacific Ocean) was observed and determined to be a result of an eruption of an unnamed submarine volcano in the Tonga Islands (Jutzeler et al., 2020). Show abstract Holocene glacial history and landforms of Iceland 2023, ...