The meaning of PUMICE is a volcanic glass full of cavities and very low in density that is used especially in powder form for smoothing and polishing.
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The meaning of PUMICE SOAP is a hard soap charged with a gritty powder (as silica, alumina, powdered pumice).
PUMICE meaning: a gray stone that comes from volcanoes, is full of small holes, has a very light weight, and is used especially for smoothing and polishing things or for softening the skin
The name ''pumice'' is said to be derived from the Latin word ''pumex,'' meaning ''pumice stone'' or ''any porous rock.'' It is also related to another Latin word ''spuma,'' which means ''foam.'' This is due to the pumice's foamy appearance and abundance of vesicles. ...
pumice meaning, definition, what is pumice: very light grey rock from a volcano that...: Learn more.
Pumice is amorphous and generally inert, has a neutral pH, yet is hard enough to be used as an abrasive. Yet, because of its porous nature, pumice is amazingly lightweight. The friable nature of pumice is one of its most significant characteristics—meaning pumice is easily crushed and refi...
Neal's Yard Remedies Pumice Foot Scrub ingredients explained: Aqua/Water, Kaolin, Pumice, Prunus Persica (Peach) Seed Powder, Alcohol**, Levulinic Acid, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract*, Potassium Sorbate, Glycerin, Sodium Levulinate, Xanthan Gum, P
僅供參考,由機器翻譯系統提供。查看原文,請訪問:Etymology, origin and meaning ofpumice 廣告 Want to remove ads?Loginto see fewer ads, and become aPremium Memberto remove all ads. Want to remove ads?to see fewer ads, and become ato remove all ads. ...
Share pumiceous ‘cite’ 僅供參考,由機器翻譯系統提供。查看原文,請訪問:Etymology, origin and meaning of pumiceous Remove Ads 廣告 Trending 1.grok 2.mollycoddle 4.testify 5.mission 6.marriage 7.nation 8.trauma 9.king 10.resilience pumiceous附近的字典條目 pulverise pulverization pulve...