1.To pulsate; beat:"The nation pulsed with music and proclamation, with rages and moral pretensions"(Lance Morrow). 2.PhysicsTo undergo a series of intermittent occurrences characterized by brief, sudden changes in a quantity. v.tr.
The electronics count the pulses and display them in a pulse height analysis diagram on the PC monitor. foss.nl 电子装置对脉冲进行 计数,然后通过PC监控器上的脉 冲 高度 分析图展示出来。 foss.cn Designate the traveling amount in pulses. ckd.co.jp 4)脉冲指定(G104) 以脉冲对移动量进行指...
// in the call back function of overflow event, we are deinit the PWM peripheral // so that continous PWM pulses are not generated. void pwm_callback(void) { pwm_signal_state = Pwm_GetOutputState(channel0); Pwm_DeInit(); } // Function to generate the 24 PWM pulses with varying duty...
It does not necessarily declassify the soybean and other leguminous crops as pulse crops in certain countries. In its report entitled “Dimensions of need- Staple crops: What do people eat?,” FAO (1995) in fact listed soybean as a staple crop in China and lentil in the North-Eastern regi...
Pulses are a type of leguminous crop harvested solely for the dry seed – is the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) definition. Harvested green and unripened, they are considered vegetables. Nor do they count as pulses if used for oil (e.g., soy and peanuts). There are several...
In a healthy horse, equine digital pulses are relatively hard to find (because there is very little blood restriction). If you are just learning, you may assume you are not taking them properly. As long as you are in the correct area of the leg, then a hard to find, faint pulse is...
aA monitoring facility can be created in the Controls Compiler to warn of overlaps in firing pulses applied to a Leg. Of course, all firing pulses to a leg may be blocked to cause the leg to operate in diode mode. 到监视设施在控制编译器在生火脉冲可以被创造警告交叠适用于于腿。 当然,所有...
aA monitoring facility can be created in the Controls Compiler to warn of overlaps in firing pulses applied to a Leg. All firing pulses to a leg may be blocked to cause the leg to operate in diode mode. 到监视设施在控制编译器在生火脉冲可以被创造警告交叠适用于于腿。 所有生火脉冲到到腿在...
In India, leguminous pulses serve as major source for protein intake because all the people in the society consume pulses. Legume pulses are easily available in most of the part of country. Similarly, economical point of view; it is marketed such as a way that even poor sector of society ...
Advances in Wound Care: January/February 1996 - Volume 9 - Issue 1 - ppg 10 Abstracts & Reviews: PDF Only Ankle Pulses Are Not Sufficient to Detect Impaired Arterial Circulation in Patients With Leg Ulcers O'Hare, Moffatt C. BA; Ayello, Elizabeth A. PhD, RN, CS, CETNLogin...