Arduino pulseIn: Pulsein Measures high or low periods of a signal in microseconds. Why is your pulseIn measurement inaccurate - Find out here. Why does one function need interrupts On, while the other one needs them Off? There are two functions pulseIn and pulseInLong... Find out the ...
voidSonarTask(void* p){floatcmdistance_1;//leftfloatcmdistance_2;//rightlongmicrosec = ultrasonic.timing();//MODIFIED DELAY FUNCTIONlongmicrosec_2 = ultrasonic_2.timing(); digitalWrite(trigpin_1, LOW); digitalWrite(trigpin_2, LOW); vTaskDelay(2); digitalWrite(trigpin_1, HIGH); digitalWrit...
pulseIn() and pulseInLong() in Arduino - If there is an incoming pulse on a pin, and you need to measure the duration of the pulse then the pulseIn() function comes in handy.SyntaxThe syntax is −pulseIn(pin, value)Where pin is the number of the pin on
How to use pulseIn() Function with Arduino. Learn pulseIn() example code, reference, definition. Reads a pulse (either HIGH or LOW) on a pin. Return The length of the pulse (in microseconds) or 0 if no pulse started before the timeout. What is Arduino pu */ // Use pulseInLong()? #define USE_PULSEINLONG 1 static uint32_t pwm = 9; static uint32_t in = PA6; static uint32_t state = HIGH; void setup() { pinMode(in, INPUT); Serial.begin(115200); analogWrite(pwm, 127); } static uint32...
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(pin, INPUT); } void loop() { duration = pulseInLong(pin, HIGH); Serial.println(duration); } Notes and Warnings This function relies on micros() so cannot be used in noInterrupts() context....