pulse taken at the wrist (TCM)— 寸脉 · 寸口脉 也可见: pulse— 脉动 · 脉息 · 心搏 · 心跳 · 跳动 · 荜 把脉 号 wrist名— 腕名 · 手腕名 · 腕部名 · 手腕子名 · 腕子名 查看更多用例•查看其他译文 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 ...
The pulse at your wrist is called the radial pulse. The pedal pulse is on the foot, and the brachial pulse is under the elbow. The apical pulse is the pulse over the top of the heart, as typically heard through a stethoscope with the patient lying on his or her left side. The ...
With your palm up, look at the area between your wrist bone and the tendon on the thumb side of your wrist. Your radial pulse can be taken on either wrist. Use the tip of the index and third fingers of your other hand to feel the pulse in your radial artery between your wrist bone...
@Justy88Oh! That also makes sense 😊 Thank you for the information!
The pulse should be taken at least for one or three minutes each time in order to correctly examine the conditions of the pulse. Posture The patient sits erect or lies in supination(仰卧) and the forearms stretches out naturally to the level of the heart. The wrist is put straight, the...
•aTheprincipleofpulse-taking•Thepulseconditionsarecloselyrelatedtothevisceraandqiandblood.•Thesubstanceofpulseisthebloodandthepowerofpulseistheqi.1、心脉是形成脉象的主要脏器2、气血是形成脉象的物质基础3、其他脏腑的综合作用 心脏—心主身之血脉,推动血液在脉内运行脉—血脉、血管是血液运行的...
to assess whether a heart rate is too low and thus is pathological, the training condition of the heart as well as physical complaints and any heart diseases must be taken into account. Signs of a dangerously low heart rate include the following accompanying symptoms: Fatigue, dizziness, short...
To practice, take the pulse of a healthy adult and child on the wrist first. Feel for the pulse and remember how fast it beats and how strong it is. This is important because when the time comes to feel the pulse on a person in cardiac arrest, one could recognize what is normal or...
It is best felt for by elevating the patient’s arm while at the same time feeling the radial artery at the wrist. Raising the arm higher than the heart reduces the intraradial diastolic pressure, collapses the vessel, and thus facilitates the palpability of the subsequent systolic thrust. 9...
This study aimed to determine whether PTT obtained directly from radial arterial waveforms could be used to assess arterial stiffness and the effect of HR on it. Measurements of anthropometric parameters, blood pressure (BP) and radial PTT were taken in 266 apparently healthy adults (113 men and...