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脉冲位置调制(Pulse Position Modulation,PPM)的原理是通过编码产生脉 冲信号,然后对基带信号进行调制,也就是将信号信息附加到PPM脉冲信号上,调制信号决定载波脉冲的时间。具体来讲就是一个n位2进制信息经过PPM 编码后确定了该 时隙的某个具体位置,然后将该2进制信息在这一确定的时 隙发出,同时在接收机检测并同步时...
L-PPM在一个固定时间段内分出2n个时隙,每一时隙对应编码的二进制数一位,通过脉冲位置表示信息。L-DPPM则在每个时间段内去除高电平后的时隙,接收机解调时通过判断每个脉冲前的时隙长度来实现。多脉冲位置调制在一个周期内允许传输多个脉冲,但其实现复杂,因此在可见光通信系统中较少使用。以下为PPM ...
根据脉宽调制信号进行脉冲位置调制。 脉宽调制信号的每个拖尾都成为 PPM 信号中脉冲的起点。 因此,这些脉冲的位置与 PWM 脉冲的宽度成正比。 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 perl-REST-Client 2024-12-20 08:19:12 积分:1 lvgl_100ask_course_materials
matlab开发-PulseWidthModulation。绘制脉宽调制信号的波形 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 数字化公寓分配系统 2024-11-28 18:09:54 积分:1 rabbitmq-on-kuber 2024-11-28 18:09:19 积分:1 【小程序开发】资源useless,don't download 2024-11-28 18:04:45 ...
(4)PPM(PulsePosition Modulation...(PhaseShift Keying :相位偏移调制),卫星数字广播 根据数字调制信号,载波的幅度、频率、相位分别受到调制脉冲调制 通过信号改变脉冲振幅、宽度、相位等进行调制的方式。大致分为: (1 单脉冲采样(1)---慢时钟采样快时钟 ...
matlab temperature-control audio-processing amplitude-modulation frequency-modulation pulse-position-modulation pulse-code-modulation delta-modulation amplitude-shift-keying pulse-width-modulation frequency-shift-keying double-sideband-suppressed-carrier single-sideband-suppressed-carrier pulse-amplitude-modulation cont...
Differential pulse code modulation (DPCM) is the most common predictive quantization method. The dpcmenco, dpcmdeco, and dpcmopt functions can help you implement a DPCM predictive quantizer with a linear predictor. Represent Predictors To determine a DPCM encoder for a quantizer, you must supply ...
Development of Matlab/Simulink Model for Three Phase PWM Inverter and Hardware Implementation and Testing Using DSP with Nonlinear Load Five methods for producing three-level pulse width modulation for single-phase inverters are compared. The basic strategies are described and the advantage... VM Deshm...
Pulse width modulation has many useful applications and so with this, a PWM signal simulation through MATLAB is presented that can be beneficial for analysis and model development. This paper aims to have a baseline how to present pulse width modulation graphically using MATLAB. The ...