Pulse-amplitude modulation definition: modulation of the amplitude of a train of electric pulses used to carry signals (pulse carrier ).Abbreviation. See examples of PULSE-AMPLITUDE MODULATION used in a sentence.
Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) is amodulation techniquein which the amplitude of the pulsed carrier signal is adjusted in response to the amplitude of the message signal. More precisely, data is sent by changing the amplitude of the pulse in response to the modulating signal. ...
The meaning of PULSE TIME MODULATION is modulation of the time intervals between successive pulses of constant duration and amplitude in accordance with a signal; specifically : a system of multiplex high-frequency transmission using this method of modul
Define Pulse Technology. Pulse Technology synonyms, Pulse Technology pronunciation, Pulse Technology translation, English dictionary definition of Pulse Technology. Noun 1. battery charger - a device for charging or recharging batteries charger device -
Physics.a single, abrupt emission of particles or radiation. a throb of life, emotion, etc. vitality. the general attitude, sentiment, preference, etc., as of the public. verb (used without object) pulsed,pulsing. to beat or throb;pulsate. ...
Define pulse modulation. pulse modulation synonyms, pulse modulation pronunciation, pulse modulation translation, English dictionary definition of pulse modulation. n. A system of modulation in which pulses are altered and controlled in order to represen
What is Pulse-Amplitude Modulation? Definition Pulse-Amplitude Modulation (PAM) is a pulse modulation technique in which the amplitude of the pulse is varied with the input signal amplitude. Synonyms PAM Find a term alphabetically: Related Content...
THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher. The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Pulse an annual plant of the Leguminosae family, grown to...
pulse-amplitudemodulation(PAM)signal.Thisconversionisdonewithanintegrate-and-hold device.Forthistowork,itisessentialthattheintegrate-and-holddevicebecontrolledbya clockofthesamefrequencyasthatwhichcontrolsthePWMprocess.Theintegrationoccurs overonepulserepetitionperiod(thereciprocalofthepulserepetitionrate),andthenthe...
Looking for online definition of pulse pressure in the Medical Dictionary? pulse pressure explanation free. What is pulse pressure? Meaning of pulse pressure medical term. What does pulse pressure mean?