Discover the price of the Bajaj Pulsar RS200 bike in India. Explore its performance, mileage, features, images, colors, and specifications. Book your ride now!
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1.We are providing wholesale, if you need it, Please contact us to get lastest price. 2. Please make sure this part fits for your motorcycle before making an order. 3. Please kindly give us your positive feedback after receiving your product. ...
BAJAJ Pulsar RS200采用单缸发动机型式,实际排气量199.5cc,最大功率18kW(24.5Ps)/9750rpm,最大扭矩18.6Nm/800rpm。 BAJAJ Pulsar RS200采用了跑车惯用的分离式车把设计,较高的车把能提供舒适的驾驶姿态。车身线条由车头一直贯穿至车尾,营造出很好的厚重感。
印度小排量跑车PulsarRS200亮相,新功能,新外观,小钢炮测评! 最近几年,各个车商都在发展小排量摩托车,主要销售区为东南亚地区为主。因此,东南亚国家的小排量车型在研发上和工艺制造商都在不断的进行提升。印度的一个制造摩托车的厂家BAJAJ,综合了各种厂家的优点后,推出了一款时尚小排量跑车——BAJAJPulsarRS200!今天,...
200 - 499 pieces $1.00 500 - 999 pieces $0.86 >= 1000 pieces $0.79 Variations Total options:1 Model Number.Select now Model Number(1) PULSAR200(RS200) ShippingShipping solutions for the selected quantity are currently unavailable Send Inquiry Chat now Protections for this product Secure ...
Bajaj Pulsar RS 200机车机车丫 云南 0 打开网易新闻 体验效果更佳60架韩国F35A隐身战斗机,模拟对战120架朝鲜米格战斗机,谁能赢 队长的自驾游 1.1万跟贴 打开APP 亲戚笑我没出息,炫耀他儿子是公司总经理,可他公司的老板是我 漫漫情感在线 49跟贴 打开APP 不愧是糖精车间的,说话都那么甜 二虎撩剧 1720跟贴...
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