(redirected from Pulmonary Wedge Pressure)Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. pul·mo·nar·y (po͝ol′mə-nĕr′ē, pŭl′-) adj. 1. Of, relating to, or affecting the lungs: pulmonary tuberculosis. 2. Having lungs or lunglike organs. [Latin ...
Pulmonary Wedge Pressure refers to the pressure measured in the tip of a catheter when it is wedged and occludes a peripheral pulmonary artery, providing an estimate of the vascular pressure at the point of confluence of pulmonary veins and reflecting left atrial pressure. ...
pulmonary artery wedge pressure 肺动脉楔压 ; 多用肺动脉楔压 ; 肺动脉嵌顿压 ; 肺小动脉楔入压 pulmonary anery wedge pressure 肺动脉楔压 pulmonary capillary wedge pressure 肺毛细血管楔压 ; 肺微血管楔压 ; 肺毛细血管嵌楔压 ; 肺毛细血管嵌压 ,发现wedge是【楔】的意思,通过数学的归纳...
Wedge [wedʒ] 释义 n. (Wedge) (美)韦奇(人名) n. (wedge) 楔子;楔形物;(人或动物组成的)楔形队形;(击高尔夫球的)楔形铁头球杆;楔形铁头球棒击出的球;坡跟鞋;坡跟鞋鞋跟;(非正式)钱 v. (wedge) 用楔子固定;挤入;(制作陶瓷时)揉陶土 短语 wedge in 挤入;插入 wedge angle 楔角;研磨角;...
英文:pulmonary capillary wedge pressure(PCWP) 中文:肺毛细血管楔压 例句: The LV to aorta configuration of the Impella has effects similar to the TandemHeart on LVEDP and PCWP. Stroke volume is reduced and there is a reduction in a...
In every patient with a normal or near normal pulmonary wedge pressure in the control period who developed dyspnea during exercise, the pulmonary wedge pressure had risen to at least 25 mm. Hg at the onset of the...
The critical therapeutic level of heparin is 1.5 times the baseline control value or the upper limit of normal range of the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). This level of anticoagulation is expected to correspond to a heparin blood level of 0.2-0.4 U/mL by the protamine sulfate ...
pulmonary capillary wedge pressure 肺毛细血管楔压 ; 肺微血管楔压 ; 肺毛细血管嵌楔压 ; 肺毛细血管嵌压 向左转|向右转 ,发现wedge是【楔】的意思,通过数学的归纳法总结的,呵呵 wedge 英[wedʒ] 美 [wɛdʒ] vt. 楔入;挤进;楔住 vi. 楔入;挤进 n. 楔子;楔形物;导致分裂的东西 n. (Wedge...
In the group of subjects with a sense of fatigue as the end-point, the pulmonary wedge pressure was normal in the control period and rose minimally during the exercise. Arterial gas tensions were normal in the control, fatigue and end-fatigue periods.3.3. In the group of subjects ...
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